
Happy July!

Happy July you guys! Let the sun shine in! This is my portrait of FANNY. Fanny recently returned to the light, but she is being remembered and celebrated in many ways, especially by @katenoon, her BFF. 12”x12”, oil on canvas.

Dot the Westhighland Terrier

This is DOT the Westhighland Terrier, painted for someone who loves color. She reminds me of a Westie my neighbor’s had growing up named AJAX who always had a dirty face from digging tunnels.

April Fools’!

It’s April and this is Miss Mini, the latest in my series of limited edition dog prints from Robert Lucy Portraits! I’m at @white.dove.rockotel showing off my print and looking for my tooth. Happy Easter all!!

Queso, Dog of the Month

Hey Gang! So excited to announce my new limited edition, signed print series from my archive of dog portraits! One dog a month, starting with QUESO the Goldendoodle.